“The actions of the past have followed him home.”
After escaping the self-destructive grip of street life, Jamaal embraces metaphysics and finds his footing in the world as a black entrepreneur, with his guiding light, Samaya, at his side. But the past refuses to die quietly. Supreme - a childhood comrade, incarcerated for murder is set free. Bringing a brutal prison war into his once tranquil life, that leaves Jamaal confronted by the choice of loyalty to his past, or his own spiritual redemption.”
Adapted from the best-selling novel "Necessary Evil" by Kareem (INF) Hayes, this potent tale of violence, spirituality, and brotherhood comes to life under the award winning direction of Jamal Hodge.
We are proud to feature “NECESSARY EVIL” at The 13th Annual People's Film Festival. Your film will be screened Thursday, MAY 30, 2024 6:00 PM at the AMC MAGIC JOHNSON THEATER – OPENING NIGHT
You can purchase tickets at TICKETBUD: bit.ly/thepeoplesfilmfestival2024tickets
Ticket Price for Opening Night, Red Carpet, & Reception Thursday, May 30, 2024 is $35.00 at the AMC Magic Johnson Theater, Harlem NY.
The People’s Film Festival
Thursday, May 30th
AMC Magic Johnson Theater
2309 Frederick Douglass Blvd, New York, NY 10027
Showtime 6:00 pm
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